An Alexander Patten biography
Alexander grew up in a large Christian family in the middle of Washington State, developing from his youngest years a love for stories of the fantastical. Despite this, he struggled with learning to read until his teens, when his eldest brother bought the first six Harry Potter books.

He has fond memories with his best friend since childhood, sharing adventures with his brothers in the oak and aspen woods surrounding his friends’ property. They once dug out and camouflaged an underground clubhouse which would quickly become infested with spiders. Later, they struggled to sleep all night in the drafty wooden they named “Fort Lemonade Stand” and learned the hard what what was and wasn’t edible.

He participated at every level of short-film making with family and friends since about age six. Whether as an extra, or writer, director and editor, he took no small joy in producing films across any genre. Many of these works are still available on his YouTube channel.

He spent seven years as an atheist through college and university. There, he experienced the heart of modern academia, coming to recognize a tacit nihilism or a willful ignorance to truth beauty and goodness therein. He struggled to overcome that nihilism sans-the supernatural but didn’t give up entirely. Gradually Alexander came to see each brick in the wall of his Christian upbringing settling itself back into place, until the true faith he rejected re-emerged, vibrant and victorious.

In the summer of 2021, after years of flirting with novel writing, he began writing a novella with the working title, “The Tower of Tew.” A few jobs and a few different living situations later, that novella became an 80k word manuscript called “The Starlight Monad.” He plans to publish this complete work as soon as possible.

The Starlight Monad cover

Coming soon

Alexander Patten’s debut novel stars Shran Mattian, a tormented lordling in-name-only who’s granted the privilege to ascend the Tower that none could enter.

Hallow Frames cover

Not yet written

When the love of his youth accepts the proposal of another, one determined seventeen-year-old vows into the Hallow Corps.

Everwatch cover

Not yet written

Nine years ago, the wisps began invading the body of any who sleep unwatched. They turn men, beasts, and even molds into deadly monstrosities whenever no one’s looking.

One man awakes, invaded by the wisps yet his sanity hangs on by a delicate thread. Can he prevail and save the city?

Obliviators cover

Not yet written

Their family can make anything happen again, at the cost of the original memory. The stronger the memory, the stronger the effect.

When a rival clan strikes at the heart of the family, can a band of cousins survive without obliviating what’s most important?

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